Thursday, December 18, 2008

Canibilistic Polar Bears

So the ice in the north is melting who cares right worst that could happen is a slight rise in sea level and i live on a hill and as for the earth warming i could use some better weater right? And as for the loss of polar bear habitat they just eat our fish and seals, they're just in the way, the don't supply us with anything. WRONG! the polar bear is a national symbol and the largest bear in the world the loss of it's habitat could be the loss of this powerful symbol. And those who don't melt at the sight of a polar bear cub just isn't human. when i read this article the thing that made me cringe the most was a documented incident in northern Alaska, where a male bear broke into a female's den and killed her. Because of arctic sea ise dwinling to it's lowest level on record they're habitat is disapearing so polar bears are drowning as they try to get around, starving because they can't get to their usual food sources and therefore resorting to canibilism. And the ice is still disappearing scientists believe the Arctic may be ice-free in the summer in five years. Ice cover helps regulate and temper the climate in many parts of the world so we will ALL be affected. "The Arctic is kind of the early warning system of the climate," Meier said. "It is the canary in the coal mine, and the canary is definitely in trouble." Things can and will get worse if nothing is done on a global scale.

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