Thursday, December 18, 2008


Geoengineering is the artificial modification of the earth's systems to counteract the negative effects humans have on earth. Such as increasing carbon dioxide uptake by fertilizing ocean surface waters or screening out sunlight with orbiting mirrors. And as Bryan Walsh said this does all seem like science fiction but soon it will be our only option. Global warming will soon be if not already unstoppable. Arctic oceans may be ice free sooner than scientist predicted earlier because of record melthing every year so there may be no ice in the arctic in the summer as soon as 2013. the kyoto protocol has become an utter failure to curb the global emmision of greenhouse gases more than a decade after it's signing. the geoengineering that is suggested to cool the earth is to "compensate for an intensified greenhouse effect by reducing the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth" this can be acomplished by "using orbital mirrors to bounce sunlight back into space, fertilizing the oceans with iron to amplify their ability to absorb carbon and even painting roofs white to increase solar reflection." Another idea i found absolutly fascinating was published by Paul Crutzen, a nobel prize winning atmospheric scientist, where he suggested that "releasing vast amounts of sulferous debris into the atmosphere to create a haze that would keep the planet cool" and it would only cost a few hundred million compared to the "unknowable cost of decarbonizing the entire world." If this is so cheap then why isn't it in the progress well thats because this also worsens air pollution which is a huge risk. As we start to rely on the quick fixes of geoengineering we will loose the motivation to decarbonize the world or even be enviromentally friendly. Geoengineering is a great feat of enviromental and atmospheric science thet i hope to one day be partially involved in but i do not aprove of some of the unprofitable quick fixes. We all have to do something not soon, NOW!

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